It's that time again! In March 2023, we will launch a new annual conference, "International Conference on Innovation in Education". Click here to register now.

And again, knowledge and experience is shared by professionals from the United States, Europe, Caribbean broadly and, of course, our local education professionals. The focus of this conference is to share knowledge and experience to map out the route for achieving the goals in our vision on education and on short term start working on a future-proof education.

The first edition of this conference is scheduled for the afternoons of March 28, 29 and 30, 2023 with keynotes and parallel sessions for anyone who works in the education field. The conference will have a plenary opening meeting in the morning of the first day for the policy makers, education management and education boards with their team of experts such as education inspectors and educational developers. And on the third day we conclude with a discussion forum where all acquired insights can be shared and discussed and the next steps can be immediately taken towards our future-proof education with manageable and responsible innovation steps.


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Met de International Conference on Innovation in Education wil de UoC een trekker zijn en bijdrage leveren aan de moderne  ontwikkelingen en innovaties binnen het onderwijs door lokale -en internationale experts kennis, ervaring en best practices met elkaar te laten delen.

"International Conference on Innovation in Education 2023" 

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